Suratap Review: Legit? How It Works & The Cons

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Suratap review

Suratap is a website that claims users can earn money by monetizing their WhatsApp status views and also by playing a simple tap game on a daily basis. Under normal circumstances, everyone would hop into any platform that promises to give out free money but the only issue is the fact that users have to deposit money to be granted full access to the system.

Key Takeaways

  • Suratap is an online earning website that provides users an opportunity to earn by playing tap game and also by monetizing their WhatsApp status views.
  • It is legit at the time of writing this article but there are major downsides such as, high minimum withdrawal and poor earnings.
  • The most profitable way of earning on Suratap is by referring, it is therefore unsuitable for people who don’t have the means to refer at all.

In this article as always, we will be breaking down how suratap works and also examine the downsides or cons as the case maybe for people who are still indecisive to know what step to take i.e. whether to join or not. So without wasting much time, let’s get straight into the business of the day.

What is Suratap, and How Does It Work?

Suratap as the name implies offer users who create an account, an opportunity to earn via two means. One of which is monetizing their WhatsApp accounts or playing a simple and straightforward tap game on the website for a fixed amount of money.

It’s the first of a kind when it comes to website design and ways of earning because we don’t casually, see websites that offer users an opportunity to earn from their WhatsApp status views and also, the few tap-to-earn we know about are all littered around telegram. So this is actually the first of a kind but does it make Suratap legit? Well, we will find out later.

Understanding How to Earn On Suratap

Like I stated earlier, there are two main ways of earning asides referring new users to the system and they are;

1. Monetizing your WhatsApp Views – this is targeted at people who have many WhatsApp contacts and status viewers. So what Suratap offers them is a chance to earn from those status views. How is this done? You sign up on the website and go to the WhatsApp earning section, download an image; a supposedly sponsored content and upload to your status.

When the posts get past 10 views, you screenshot it with the number of views and upload to, after reviewing it, the earnings will be added to your balance. According to the information on the platform’s official telegram community, you earn 2 naira per view.

Suratap tap game

2. Playing Game – there is a simple tap game available on Suratap and perhaps, what led to the name of the site generally. This is actually the paid aspect because for you to play the tap game and earn consistently for days, you have to do what they call “Boost” which also means upgrading account to a higher level.

As a new user, you get to enjoy two days of grace, whereby you earn from playing the tap game after which, the access will be revoked on the third day and if you’re interested in earning more, you boost the account.

Personally speaking, the tap game is the easiest way to earn on Suratap because the tasks are rewarding and also not everyone has a lot of contacts on WhatsApp. You can earn 50 – 70 naira for each game you play and funny enough, the game doesn’t even take more than a minute.

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Another issue is the fact that the Boost option comes in different prices with each of them having certain privileges or better put number of times a user can play game than the other. We will talk more on that shortly.

3. Referring – this shouldn’t be on the list but for it could undoubtedly form a major aspect of earning for people who can refer or people who own a large community. You can earn up to 50% of the amount used by your referral to boost his or her account.

Let’s say your referral boosts his or her account with up to 2,000 naira, you earn as much as 1,000 naira from his or her activity. This makes the referral program very interesting and an enticing means of earning on the site.

How to Get Started

How to create account on Suratap

To get started, the first step would certainly be creating an account and that can be done on their official website, but if you’re learning about Suratap for the first time from this article, then feel free to use our link –

Copy and paste on a browser and once it loads, proceed to sign up, fill the form and on the next page, select an account you wish to receive money with and then you will be logged into the main dashboard. Fortunately, no verification is needed whatsoever.

This is an advantage and also a disadvantage because, should you lose the password or access to your account, regaining access could cause some stress unless of course they have a good password recovery system.

When you are done creating an account, you will be logged into the dashboard with free 2 days trial period. You can earn from the tap game during this period as I said earlier at least to better understand how the game works and what to expect should you eventually upgrade.

To access the tap game, click on Earn on your dashboard and play any of the high paying games. It’s very easy and straightforward. For the trial package, you can only play twice, if you want to enjoy more, then there’s need to Boost.

Suratap Boost Levels

Boost levels

There are several packages or levels you can boost account to and like I said, each of them comes with some extra benefits which you should know about before signing up;

1. Level 1 – costs just 1,000 naira but you can only play two games in a day which means your earnings is highly limited. It may even be a hassle earning up to 200 naira per day.

2. Level 2 – costs 2,000 naira but you get to enjoy 4 games on a daily basis which means higher output in terms of earnings. It also means higher stake in the platform; meaning should things not go as planned, you’d have more to lose.

3. Level 3 – this is the highest plan on the boost page and it costs 3,000 naira with a chance to play 6 games on a daily basis. Higher plan means more money and also higher risk. It’s left for you as the potential participant to choose your poison.

How to Monetize Your WhatsApp

This is another way of earning on the site, as a matter of fact, you can utilize both options if you have enough WhatsApp contacts.

How to monetize your WhatsApp with Suratap

Simply click on the three lines at the top right corner to access the options, tap on WhatsApp Monetize and then download the task image and upload to your status, wait till it gets more than 10 views and screenshot. Upload the screenshot to the site and wait for the bonus.

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According to Suratap, you earn 2 naira per view on the sponsored image posted on your status. You have to wait till it’s gotten good number of views to earn the most from it.

Surprisingly, this feature is available for all, including people who have not boosted their accounts. Though, I’m still new to the platform at the time of writing this article, the administrators claim users can earn for free using the WhatsApp monetize feature as long as they keep meeting the view requirement.

Final Verdict

Suratap is legit at the time of writing this article. Though it being legit doesn’t take away the few downsides that come with signing up or participating. There are certain aspects I don’t really find so appealing about Suratap and they are as follows;

1. High Minimum Withdrawal – the withdrawal threshold is pegged at 4,000 naira and as such, every user must earn up to this amount before they can place withdrawal.

You might not see this amount as high but considering the earning capacity of even users who may decide to boost their accounts, the 4,000 naira appears far-fetched. Imagine the user who is on the level 1, it will take him or her close to 40 days to earn up to the minimum withdrawal. This is an area they should look into, if they really mean well for the users.

2. Poor earning – you can earn some money on Suratap but it’s certainly not significant enough for anything. Why do I say so? Here is a breakdown of the potential earnings of people on the three boost levels;

  • Level 1 – 142 naira
  • Level 2 – 284 naira
  • Level 3 – 426 naira

Considering the risk attached to depositing your own money into a website, the earnings are not really impressive and to make everything worse, the withdrawal threshold makes it even difficult for someone who is on the highest Boost package to withdraw early.

While this can be seen as sustainable arrangement, the referral program proves otherwise.

3. Unrealistic Referral program – every great platform has an enticing referral program but an alarmingly high referral program can be a red flag because it makes a platform appear to be referral based. No one wants to be a part of a platform that he or she must have to refer others before he can withdraw.

Suratap referral program is unrealistically high and the fact that, normal users have to struggle with poor earnings to hit the minimum withdrawal, makes the whole thing a referral based scheme and as such, unsuitable for people who can’t refer others.


  • Poor earnings
  • High Minimum withdrawal
  • Unrealistic referral program that projects it to be a referral based scheme.

Conclusion might be legit and paying for now, but there are red flags that makes me think, it’s not suitable for a lot of people. If you can’t refer even one person, then I see no reason why you should join Suratap.

Reason being that it appears to be more favourable to people who can refer than the normal user who just joined for a chance to earn passively.

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  • ErickssonDGreat

    Eric Chidi, AKA ErickssonDGreat, is a seasoned writer who specializes in delivering unbiased reviews to readers. Eric’s content is informative, honest and free of any form of prejudice, join me as we navigate through the pros and cons of various online money making schemes to enable you make the right decision at all times.Ericksson Loves You! ❤️

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